Do you require pianos transporting to or from Piano Auctions in London or Britannia Piano Auctions in Manchester, we can help, book with us and enjoy a smooth delivery service form any piano auction to any location, from a single piano to a full container of pianos heading overseas.
Piano Auctions are being held in the UK by two separate companies Piano Auctions Ltd in London and Britannia Piano Auctions in Manchester
Piano Auctions LTD 01234 831742
London sale dates
Sunday 14 February 2016 (EDINBURGH)
Thursday 7 April 2016
Thursday 23 June 2016
Thursday 22 September 2016
Thursday 15 December 2016
Our quarterly sales are held at Conway Hall in Holborn, London WC1R 4RL and take place at midday. Further details are on the Piano Auctions Catalogue page.
Britannia Piano Auctions Manchester 0161-977-0075
Manchester sale dates:
March Date TBC
Address TBC
Please use our Piano Auction Transport contact form for a quick quotation
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